Archive / 2023

Joan Català


A proposal that removes the boundaries between dance, circus, theatre and performance and between audience and show.
A natural remake of traditional techniques and personal memories.
A changing work, unique as a result of the interaction with the viewer. 

“Pelat” is silence, expectation, strength, tension, and magical, spontaneous participation.
“Pelat” is body poetry.
“Pelat”  is innovation, movement and collective action. “Pelat” is a risky, sincere, different, peculiar and daring approach. 

It is an original performance combining dance, theatre and circus.
This unique performance is based on the study of the body, movement, people’s behaviour, craftsmanship and traditions. 

For Joan Català, the stage is a space in which human object and the environment interact, and work and play come together through craft, ideas and experiences. With a lifelong passion for sport, he has specialized in fine arts, the circus, contemporary dance and physical theatre. Since 2005, he has worked in different theatres and at festivals around the world with the companies Daraomai, Circus Klezmer, Los 2Play and Cia. Mudances-Àngels Margarit. In 2012, he began developing his particular vision of performing arts designed for the street and urban environments with the show “Pelat”, which is still being performed around the world in 2023. In 2016, he premiered “Menar”, a two-person show with Roser Tutusaus. In 2021, he premiered “5,1000 m/s”. He has served as an artistic advisor to various companies, focused particularly on the arts of movement.

The presentation of the performance at ConTempo Festival is supported by Institut Ramon Llull
Duration: 40 min
  • Original idea and performer:
    Joan Català Carrasco
  • Art consulting and external view:
    Roser Tutusaus, Melina Pereyra, Jordi Casanovas, Davidas Climentas ir Pablo Molinero (Los Corderos)
  • With the support of:
    Fira Tàrrega, El Graner centre de creació del cos i el moviment, Festival Sismograf, Olot, L‘Animal a l‘Esquena, Trayectos danza
  • Year of creation: