Tower of Babel: Planet Earth/Game Over/Reset
“Tower of Babel: Planet Earth/Game Over/Reset” is an interactive theatrical adventure for teenagers. This performance, co-created by four European theatres from Norway, Iceland, Hungary, and the National Kaunas Drama Theatre, tells a fantasy story of creating a new world and a new tribe of people after a global disaster. The starting point of the performance’s narrative is the biblical story of the construction of the tower of Babel started by a united nation of humanity speaking one language. The structure was to reach the sky, but God punished people for such insolence by mixing up their languages. When people could no longer find a common language, they failed in implementing their idea. They started fearing each other and fighting among themselves. In the theatrical version of this story, the audience is transferred to the post apocalyptic world in which humanity gets a chance to once again work together for a common goal. The performance is created following the principles of immersive theatre: the audience becomes the participants and creators of the performance. They are divided into four groups-tribes with their own costumes, language, and rituals. All the tribes embark on a theatrical adventure with one goal on their mind – to find what has been lost. The four tribes finally meet. Will they manage to communicate? Will they be able to work together? Will they manage to build a structure that would determine the future of humanity? Can we stop fighting and create the future of our planet together?